Sunday, January 2, 2011

110 Days to go

Yesterday was pretty productive. Aside from not drinking enough water I ate fabulously and well within my food plan.

The weather here yesterday was fantastically warm (and by fantastically warm I mean 50*) which got me very excited. Being the procrastinator that I am though I waited until 5:30 to do any form of physical activity and by that time it was cooling down.

Since my gym closes at 6 on Saturdays, my only option was to push though and go for a walk outside.

I finally found the cord to my iPod (which used to be my excuse for not exercising... who can feel the burn with out their jams???) So I took it as a sign from the man upstairs and bundled my butt up. It really wasn't all that awful after the first half mile. I warmed right up and although I wasn't timing myself I'm pretty sure I jogged longer than I've ever jogged before.

The non fitness part of my 111 day journey is proving to be more difficult. Especially the patience part. Ugh.

When my husband told me he was on board with this whole thing I thought be would be more gung ho. I thought wrong. But I musn't look for things to pick on him for (also a goal) because he's not ever real gung ho about anything... he's just a mellow guy and for Pete's sake it was only the first day. But still... See! These dramatics are why I make myself insane! Yeesh.

I did by a basketball at the store  yesterday and as soon as we get another warm day I'm dragging his butt to the courts around the corner. If he was such a hot shot sports guy in school let him prove it!

Today I plan to head over to the gym to do some weight training and to see how long it takes me to walk 3.1mi (5k) just for future reference. I plan on choking down as much water as possible and maybe even *gasp* a multivitamin.

What are you guys doing today to work towards your goal?


  1. Sounds like a fantastic day. I have another family Christmas event today (it was a little delayed because my bro was in Nicaragua over the holidays), so I'm going to focus on eating healthy options, drinking water and try to get out for a long walk before we head to my parents house.

  2. Just found your blog! Good luck on your journey. I'm on my own as well :)

    I use to have a really hard time getting my water in but found a solution
    It really did help me :)


  3. Raegun: The water and the moving are what get me every time! The eating thing I can be on top of but the other two are like my achilles heel.

    Shelly: it looks FANTASTIC I'll let you know when we've tried it!
